Gate Noir


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Gate Noir Introduction

Gate Noir is the little new baby of the GreenGate Family and focuses on Art Deco. The new brand Gate Noir is addressing a different trend and taste and allows GreenGate to maintain and develop its beloved own character and DNA.

The designers of GreenGate embraced the new trend of Art Deco, where they follow the trend forecasters and front runners in the Fashion Industry. Gate Noir is a very elegant collection which expresses differently then GreenGate. Gate Noir appeals to urban young professionals, who are outgoing and have interest in trend & lifestyle. Women who are unapologetically drawn to luxury, glamour and elegance.

Art Deco

Art Deco was a period in the 1920's - 1940's where New York and Paris were monumental Design Metropoles. The naming Gate Noir reflects the synthesis between those two Metropoles.

Gate Noir catalog

Click on the image to view the Gate Noir catalog. At the moment the Gate Noir catalog is only available online. Follow our newsletter to hear when the paper catalog is available. You can also download the Gate Noir catalog as pdf file.
Go to GreenGate catalogs to view the GreenGate collections.
Gate Noir Catalog
To start shopping go to category Gate Noir.